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Divine Gifts (Paperback)

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The blessings, gifts, and favors of Allaah upon

His creation:

Man lives in the shade of Allaah's numerous and perfect blessings

as he wallows in His expansive favor.

These blessings are too abundant to be counted. To demonstrate

the abundance of His blessings, He revealed Surat "An-Nahl" The Bees],

which is also called "an-Ni'am" The Blessings]. Allaah The Almighty Says

(what means): {If you count the blessing of Allah, you will not reckon it.}

Quran 16:18]. He also Says (what means): {They recognize the blessing

of Allah, then they deny it, and most of them are ungrateful...} Quran


What then are the most manifest of these divine gifts which

Allaah bestowed upon His slaves, thereby favoring them, and which

none are able to do or give except Allaah?

The blessing of an upright creation

Allaah The Almighty Created the father of mankind, Adam,

sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, with His hands to honor him, and

He created him in the best of stature.

Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {Indeed, We have created

man in the best of stature.} Quran 95:4], and He infused life into him

with His spirit. He commanded the angels to prostrate in his honor and

with esteem for his offspring, as He The Almighty also Says (what means):

{When your Lord said to the angels, "I am forming a man out of clay, so

when I have completed him and infused life into him with My Spirit,

then fall down before him in prostration." All of the angels then

prostrated-all together-but not Iblees. He was arrogant and was of

the disbelievers. He said, "O Iblees What prevented you from

prostrating for what I have created with My Hands? Are you arrogant

or are you of the haughty?"} Quran: 71-75]

Then to complete the blessing upon man, He created his spouse

with whom he could share his solitude. Allaah The Almighty Says about

this (what means): {He is who created you from one soul and made of it

its mate, that he may dwell in comfort with her} until {they supplicated

Allaah their Lord, saying: If You give us one upright, we shall be of the

grateful.} Quran 7:189]. Al-Qurtubi, May Allaah Have mercy upon him,

, the exegete, said in his Tafseer: The meaning of 'upright' is that he will be a complete child

without any deformities.

Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {He who created you, then

fashioned you, then proportioned you.} Quran 82:7], i.e. He made you

proportionate with a complete form.

Product Details
ISBN: 9783005940373
ISBN-10: 3005940373
Publisher: Independent Author
Publication Date: January 11th, 2023
Pages: 130
Language: English