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de Niños, Pianos Y Un Grillito. El Pequeño Gabilondo / Children, Pianos, and A C Ricket (Paperback)

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de Niños, Pianos Y Un Grillito. El Pequeño Gabilondo / Children, Pianos, and A C Ricket Cover Image
Not Yet Published


Qui n es el que anda ah ?

En este libro descubrir's c mo fue la incre ble infancia de Francisco Gabilondo Soler, apodado Cri-Cri, el Grillito Cantor, quien desde hace muchos a os acompa a a los ni os en su viaje por la m sica y la imaginaci n.

Pancho Gabilondo tiene una pasi n por aprender... pero no por ir a la escuela En su lugar, prefiere embarcarse en toda clase de aventuras en las que conoce a los personajes que habr an de convertirse, a os despu's, en los protagonistas de sus deliciosas y memorables canciones.

Desde su pasi n por el piano, los libros de aventuras y la astronom a, as como su amor incondicional por su abuela, descubre c mo Pancho Gabilondo se convirti en una estrella de la radio en la famosa estaci n XEW, siempre acompa ado por su fiel amigo, el sabio y entra able Grillito Cantor


Who goes there?

In this book, you will discover Francisco Gabilondo Soler's incredible childhood, nicknamed Cri-Cri, the Singing Cricket, who has accompanied children on their journey through music and imagination for many years.

Pancho Gabilondo has a passion for learning... but not for going to school Instead, he prefers to embark on all kinds of adventures where he meets the characters who would later become the protagonists of his delightful and memorable songs.

From his passion for the piano, adventure books, and astronomy, to his unconditional love for his grandmother, discover how Pancho Gabilondo became a radio star on the famous XEW station, always accompanied by his faithful friend, the wise and endearing Singing Cricket.

Product Details
ISBN: 9786073845496
ISBN-10: 6073845499
Publisher: Alfaguara Infantil
Publication Date: October 8th, 2024
Pages: 72
Language: Spanish