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Islam in the Changing World (Paperback)

Islam in the Changing World Cover Image


As a result of constant d11Cl19sion with the acbolan 1n the r.Leld or re11g1on, I have long tel t the need of treating Islamic 1t1.1dle1 anev. I believe 1t 1s timely.It 1s the challenge of the age that ve 3111t1t7 the very existence of any religion. Tbe call of the time 1- demanding, and anless we need and respond 1t properl1, 1t will 1Up away, and histor1 wUl condemn oar neg11gence. The problem toda1 1s not of tbe ebo1ee between Islam and non-Islam, bat the probl- 1s of 1 ts very survhal. SU.?el1, 1 t 1- a serious trial for theconcerned scholars or Islpic stnd1es. Tbey can no longer repeat tbe past glories of Islam and relax upon its ancient la11rela. Tbef are no doabt, pra11elforth7. But, the 'ostrich 1n sand' attitude can perish a religion with the paHage or tiae. A religion need be trom time to time, so that its surtval value 11 retained.Hovever, the study of bigber religons pose methodological problems. In case of other rudimentary cul ts, tbe staple methods of studying the culture and h1story, if an, could sutN.ce, wberaas in a tevel.ope4 religion, the fineries of colllplex 1ociet1 1: oo are involved. .After all, tbetbo11gbt and practice ot civUiaed peopl., can.not be cut off clearl1 trom the sublties ot customs and beliera. Subsequent progress in knowledge does not disturb theru amental place ot catoms am beliefs in the bod1 ot a religion.

Product Details
ISBN: 9798210056894
Publisher: Blurb
Publication Date: February 22nd, 2022
Pages: 256
Language: English