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El Espíritu Santo: Quién Es Y Por Qué No Podemos Vivir Sin Él (Paperback)

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El autor de xitos de ventas Bill Johnson describe su relaci n ntima de d cadas con el Esp ritu Santo como "la aventura de una vida". Tienes la misma oportunidad para una gran y definitiva "aventura" en la presencia, el amor y el poder de Dios al conocer a Su Esp ritu.

Muchas personas no est n familiarizadas con qui n es el Esp ritu Santo y qu papel tiene en sus vidas. Incluso muchos cristianos experimentados tienen m's facilidad para relacionarse con Dios o Jes's, mientras que el Esp ritu y Sus caminos son a menudo un misterio. Y en cierto sentido, el Esp ritu Santo est rodeado de misterio porque l es Esp ritu; pero tambi n es personal y conocible.

El Esp ritu Santo es el libro fundamental de Bill Johnson sobre el Esp ritu, incluye tanto verdades introductorias como profundas sobre la tercera persona de la Trinidad. Describe lo que ha aprendido acerca de buscar a Dios, hospedar Su presencia y ver c mo Su Esp ritu cambia la atm sfera de familias y comunidades, trayendo paz donde hab a y discordia, salvaci n donde se hab a perdido la esperanza, y restauraci n donde se hab a perdido el prop sito.

Johnson te gu a hacia una relaci n cercana con el Esp ritu, una fuente eterna disponible para todos los d as, en todas partes, y para cada necesidad y llamado. Deja que el Esp ritu llene y desborde tu vida, mientras l te lleva a lo largo de la aventura de los grandes prop sitos de Dios para sus hijos.
Best-selling author Bill Johnson describes His decades-long intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit as "the adventure of a lifetime." You have the same opportunity for a life-defining "adventure" into God's presence, love, and power by coming to know His Spirit.

Many people are unfamiliar with who the Holy Spirit is and what role He has in their lives. They may be confused about or even intimated by Him. Even many seasoned Christians have an easier time relating to God or Jesus, while the Spirit and His ways are often a mystery. Like Jesus's disciples, we wonder why Jesus had to leave earth so that the Spirit could come.

In one sense, the Holy Spirit is surrounded by mystery because He is Spirit. But He is also personal and knowable. In fact, spiritually, we literally can't live without Him and the life He brings us.

The Holy Spirit is Bill Johnson's foundational book on the Spirit, including both introductory and deep truths about the third person of the Trinity. He describes what he has learned about seeking God, hosting His presence, and seeing His Spirit change the atmosphere of families and communities--bringing peace where there was anxiety and discord, salvation where hope was gone, and restoration where purpose was lost.

Johnson guides you into a close relationship with the Spirit--an eternal wellspring available for everyone, every day, everywhere, for every need and calling. Let the Spirit fill and overflow your life as He moves, shapes, cleanses, and carries you along in the adventure of God's purposes for the world.

Product Details
ISBN: 9798887693040
Publisher: Whitaker House
Publication Date: November 12th, 2024
Pages: 224
Language: Spanish